Welcome to the new OVNAVHDA chapter functionalities! The new web site allows users:
- To register and create an user profile;
- Update their user profiles;
- Recover lost passwords;
- Book an activity.
Notice the top menu is now context sensitive; it changes exposing chapter members functionalities once you login. Top two menu items “BECOME OVNAVHDA MEMBER” and “CHAPTER ACCESS” play the magic. BECOME OVNAVHDA MEMBER will bring you to the form you have to fill to register. Under CHAPTER ACCESS you find the link to the login page.
To login you must first register and validate/confirm your e-mail address. The entered information will be saved and subsequently used whenever you book any training activity thus simplifying and sktrealining the process.
Be aware: in order to improve security, you must login with username (or e-mail) and password (see below). If you enter the wrong password three times you will be locked out for 24 hours.
Click on the first top menu item BECOME OVNAVHDA MEMBER,
a form with required data is loaded. Fill in all required information, carefully choose your username and password
set a secure password:
Password requirements are: 1) Minimum 8 characters; 2) Minimum one numeric digit (0,9); 3) Minimum one lower case letter; 4) Minimum one upper case letter; and 5) Minimum one special character (@ # $ %, etc.).
And finally submit/send the form. Once you submit the form data will be validated, in a short time span you will receive an e-mail with the confirmation link. You must confirm your e-mail clicking on the confirmation link to ensure you are the legitimate owner of such e-mail address.
First time login – alias e-mail validation
Validate your e-mail by clicking on the link you received in the e-mail. Two things happen 1) you will be automatically logged; and2) you are connected to the profile and password update page:
If you need update your information. 99.9% of cases you will just keep the information you submitted and the password you set. From now on you will have the credential to login with the username you selected (or e-mail) and password. Once you validated your e-mail, you will receive the success e-mail validation confirmation message.
Subsequent logins
Just hover over CHAPTER ACCESS and click login, will the credentials (username and password):
Notice if your password do not respect the chaper policy you will be forced to change it at your first login!
As you can see now BECOME OVNAVHDA MEMBER disappeared while the CHAPTER ACCESS menu item gives you access to chapter restricted features
Place special attention to the “Book training” items the link will bring you to the form to book training activities.
Browsers and browser cache
We used chrome, firefox and safari to test the new functionalities as well as an Android Samsumg phone we did not discover problems.
Still issues may exist. Before reporting an issue/bug please try to clean the browser cache, restart the browser, and as last chance, restart the phone or PC.