We express our gratitude, remember and honor members that contributed to the chapter life ! Here a short list of people that contributed to building the chapter:

From left to right former chapter president Mark Gawron, present president Matt Pomeroy and former training director Martha Imperato
From left to right present chapter treasurer Ralph Pomeroy and former treasurer Rene Jones

Past Executive Officers

2017-2023 Mark Gawron
2018-2023: Andy Ogden
2015-2017: Bruno Laroche
2010 – 2023: Rene Jones
2015-2017: Guik Chin
Test Secretary
2019-2023: Luc Raymond
2017-2019: Anne Kernan

Past Directors

Director of Promotion
2015-2017: Tunya St. Pierre
Director of Publication
2015-2017: Mike Lomond
Director of Training
2017-2023 Martha Imperato
Director of Inventory
2019-2023: Jean Pfeifer
2017-2019: Peggy Baxter
2015-2017 Brian Hargreaves