So you decided to train your dog and you wonder what tools you need. Well, even before considering tool, keep in mind the most valuable tool is your time plus consistency, consistency and then consistency! Here a few tools you may consider:

A Jaeger leash: handy in training, walking and also hunting:
A vary training tools are a long leash a rope say up to 30′
The command lead/wonder leash, this is especially useful as it easy the contact between you an d your fury friend. Easily apply two kind of stimulations: momentary and continuous
Training means obedience but also fund, you may consider a few bumpers and dummies. Remember dogs vision is different from our vision, white dummies are easier to spot to them.
Sooner or later you will need an e-collar. There are many but the Garmin is a very good one, here the Pro 550 handling up to three dogs.